- Project Management
- Content Creation
- Content Management
- Photography
- Outside Developer Management
Implementing Online Parts Order Website Leads to Huge Sales Numbers
To reduce hold times and inefficiencies we implemented an e-commerce platform for parts ordering to free up our sales administration team and allow for users to self-service. A byproduct of reducing the friction to ordering parts has resulted in record sales for parts that has gone up 66% since initial launch.
Parts ordering for our products was done only over the phone. This would increase hold times for all users and was a slow and inefficient way of conducting business. In addition, the employees that were taking orders for parts were also taking sales orders for products. Their time would be best utilized putting in new sales orders instead of for parts which could be a self-serviced action.
Moving to an e-commerce platform for the allowed for the hold times to decrease as well as allow for autonomy and reduce friction for users trying to order parts.
Key Takeaways
- Reducing friction to ordering has allowed for record sales in parts ordering
- In addition, this has made reordering parts and service kits easier for our servicers and has increased ordering
- Efficiency has increased in the sales administration department as a large margin of parts ordering calls have ceased
- My department was responsible for shooting and editing thousands of parts photos and it took us two years to finish photographing and editing everything.
- The parts ordering site also acted as a technical document repository so we also had to migrate all the documentation from our old FTP based file system to an AmazonAWS repository.